Sunday, November 15, 2009

Really Great Gift Idea!

This is what one of my customers had to say after seeing a set of custom ornaments I created...
....After seeing her sculpture I was amazed..and I'm gonna win for the best Christmas present ever this year!! She is going to be sooo floored when she sees the sculpture and same with my mom and John!!!
You can give a very unique gift that will be cherished for many a Christmas to come. Just visit my Etsy store and order your custom Christmas ornaments.... I would love to help you give the perfect gift.


I teach . . . said...

Lynn!!! I love these! When did you start a blog?? I am getting the itch for more of your creations now . . . I will add your button to my blog now!


Eugena said...

Dear Lynn,
I've chosen your lovely blog for the Dream Blog award. Please check out the details in today's post at